Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jessa Was Here

Jessica, my extremely talented very lovely ever giving little sis was here for spring break. She vacationed with us at the Alamo (and Sea world where the dolphins soaked her as she smiled) and then gave me a break from the every day and TOOK CARE OF ALL OF MY KIDS while I went to Salt Lake to scout neighborhoods.

Jess is great.
I miss her.
Could go on for hours about all she did for us (she prepped the house for TWO OPEN HOUSES and a showing. The agent who showed the house went on about how IMACULATE it was. All thanks to Jessa).

Jess has been with us in every house we've lived in. She's the only sibling I have that has seen me in every environment from Chicago to Sweden to Africa and now DAllas (not to mention Utah and Boise besides). There is something to be said for that-she's a loyal aunt and sister and a great example.
and a wonderful gardener (Use her Services; DIG Design, coming now now to a Salt Lake community near you!)
and she's beautiful
and clever
and mysterious
and cute
and smart
and wise, becoming more wise by the day I believe.

love you J., thanks for coming


  1. Family truly is a gift from our Father in Heaven.

  2. we would all be at a very big loss without her. or any of the sister clan for that matter. so grateful for sisters of all varieties.

  3. Jessa is amazing! An SO pretty! Did anyone come to those open houses??

  4. Jessica!

    Ja ma hon leva ett hundrade ar...

  5. How could you not love this amazing girl. I've always looked up to her (even though I am older (a month to be exact) and taller (by maybe 1/2 an inch)). She helped me become the person I am today and I am sure her example has and is helping your clan become wonderful people.

  6. Aw, this is sweet. What a nice little tribute to Jessica. I love her too!

  7. Achem, gaining some composure here. Things said here are way more than I deserve, all you people mean so much to me, it is the least that can be done to show this. Love to you all and thanks for the sweetness.
