Lucy duc turned 3 whilst on Spring Break. Her day consisted of opening gifts in the hotel room, and standing in line at Sea World (oh to be 3 when standing in line is nearly as fun as riding the rides! The rest of us were miserable, but Lu was happy as a clam, sitting in her stroller with her birthday specs and abc game from grandma on her lap wherever we went).
Because of the miserable lines (2 hours of traffic between the freeway exit and the parking lot. Another hour spent in the line to buy entrance to the venues. Nightmare in San Antonio for sure!) we went back to our little hotel so the kids to swim in the freezing cold pool. Lucy donned her new birthday swimming togs and plunged in - to the hot tub. She was done about 15 minutes later, and I was glad as many reports of sick children have come my way due to their swallowing hotel swimming pool water ;)
Daddy arrived with a grocery store birthday cake, a gallon of ice cream, some candles and matches. Happy birthday-in English and Swedish as per our family tradition-was sung and Lucy dug in, still wearing her sparkling sun glasses.
If this birthday had been Brynley's or Mason's or even Porter's it would not have gone down in the record books as one of the very best. But because it is Lucy-who can smile and be happy even in the worst of situations (like standing in line at Sea World) she felt loved and happy and joyful on her very special day.
Our love for this little Graham soul transcends hotel swimming pools and giant traffic jams. We love this child who brightens our family and whose very presence reminds us that the God of Heaven knows her, and knows us too. And that He loves us all for bringing us together to be Grahams for now and forever.
Happy Birthday Lula-bug!
She is SO tall! I can't wait to bask in the glow of her smile again! :)
We miss you all so much. it seems like forever since we were all together. so glad you are coming home
SO glad I got to be there for Madi and Lucy's B-days!! The best party about Lucy's was that she knew this was her birthday, and all she could say with a big smile was that she was now three. Such a happy girl.
Found your blog today. Cute family, cute house and cute attitude! I'm pretty new to the blog thing.
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