Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trying Gratitude...

Dear John,

We missed you lots last night. Family night, though short, was sweet. We listened to a piece of this and focused our thoughts and remarks on how we can be more grateful in our prayers. I wanted the children to understand something that came over me like the soft rain that fell this morning as you left us. Just like Elder Bednar explains in his discourse, the Lord can often give us insight and revelation when we focus our prayers on that which we feel grateful for. The understanding that He already knows what we need before we ask, and that sometimes when we don't ask but instead praise and thank, He is prompted to give us that which we would have asked Him for.

And maybe when our thoughts and words and prayers are filled with what we've been blessed with, we can better recognize that really He is giving us that which matters most.

So, we've begun an experiment, and we want to have you join us. For the next 5 days we are going to pray in gratitude, and ask the Lord for nothing. As much as we feel we need Him to help, we are going to set that aside, and try to just say thank you.

The kids were receptive and open to the idea. As I heard their prayers this evening these are some of the things they said:

"I'm thankful I can be smart" (Madi)
"I'm thankful that you made electricity, so I can play the wii and charge the DS" (Porter, he seriously said that).
"I'm thankful for my healthy body" (Brynley)
"I'm thankful none of us were sick today" (Mason, of course)
"I'm thankful for mom, and dad, and Bryn, and Mason, and Madi and Lucy and Porter" (Molly)
"Thank thee for daddy" (Lucy)

And I'm thankful for covenants that bind us together across miles and states and endless days apart. And for health and daily strength. And that the kids are all asleep before 10 p.m. tonight. That they all have the right number of fingers and toes. And that today Molly said with a giant smile "I have TWO moms who love me, right?!!". And when I told her right she hugged me and happily said "I"m glad you're my mom, mom".

And for the note you sent me in response to my written sobs. I love you for loving me.

And I'm so thankful for you. With a depth of gratitude that only the Lord himself can comprehend.

join us. Be thankful in all your prayers this week. I look forward to the experiment, and I pray in gratitude for all we may learn.

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