Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The wisdom of my better half

We had a family council yesterday, about our family budget. It was much needed. We have a long way to go between distinguishing needs from wants in everything from our housing to our retirement plans. I truly appreciated John's wisdom and the perspective he held concerning the matter. While I do not believe I am the soul culprit in our declining family budget keeping, I do believe I hold the more lax view on the matter of money. Here are some high lights which I think are worth sharing...

1. John took our basic needs from this article, and I appreciated the way he helped us see the differences between what we really must have to live life, what we need to make our life "nice", and what we want. I appreciated the way our children seemed to hold their attention fixed on these concepts, and to offer suggestions as to how we can increase our frugality and still "enjoy life".

2. John, in pondering on this subject, observed that because we spend a lot of money on activities which take us away from our home and from each other, we often don't enjoy those things which cost nothing (or little to nothing) which we really enjoy doing and which we do, for the most part, together. Playing catch, going on family bike rides, playing tag or hide and go seek (one of our FAVORITES!) can't be done when we are off to gymnastics or guitar lessons.

3. We as parents can do more to provide a safe and happy home for our kids. This has nothing to do with providing an expensive home-nor anything to do with filling that home with electronics and other distractions when we already have the supplies and the inclination to enjoy the many blessings we have already been given. It has to do with our attitude toward our children, and the general spirit that is within the walls we dwell in. I've spent so much time "creating" the message of family identity; on our walls, in my "G" collection, in our yearly themes and family traditions. But I have not, really I've not, fostered an attitude of happiness here. Who cares if they know they are Grahams so long as Grahams are grumpy instead of happy? Happy Grahams with no family propaganda are better than cynical Grahams with identity.

I really appreciated what I read here, in the post edit; make a home that is happy. That has so much more to do with how I behave, and not what we have.

Oh, Behave!


  1. I love that conference talk! I listen to conference while I run, it takes my mind off of running. That was one of my favorites over the past six months. Budgets are great! Drew and I redid ours and I feel freer. IF that is a word. :-) However I have spent my allotment this month on the 7th. I am going to be better next month. :-)

  2. Can I just say that I love your blog! Google reader recommended you one day and I thought your posts were really insightful, especially where motherhood and family life is concerned. This post was no exception. Thank you!


  3. This is a message I have been praying to hear. Thanks!

  4. Wow, check out Carin's photos. Incredible.
