Wednesday, July 15, 2009

photos of the happy wedding...

Between Friday and Saturday our family celebrated the union of Dean and Brynley Graham. This was truly an enjoyable occassion; not only were the bride and groom incredibly laid back and low key (a cultural hall reception with ice cream sundaes for refreshment and a room filled with reminders of the fun these two have together; climbing gear, snow shoes, baseball gloves and camping equipment. They've had more fun courting each other before their nuptuals than my sweetheart and I have had since our own ;) We are taking a lesson though, and will be out on more adventurous dates in the very near future), but their love for one another is so true, so natural and so genuine. It was a great opportunity to teach our children about the value of marriage, and the joy it can bring when two people respect one another and honor God above all else.

The reminder of Dad Graham's absence was honored with an empty seat in the sealing room where the wedding ceremony took place. Truly, we felt dad would be pleased at the coming together of these two great people. I bet he smiled happily through the entire occasion.

Our girls have floated on daisies and green ribbons for days, and have worn their "wedding dresses" at every opportunity. Congratulations Dean and Brynley! We love you both so much!

1 comment:

  1. Truly an impressive couple - and so much smiling! It was such a pleasure to be around them and their family.
