Monday, July 13, 2009

The Total Upside...

Dainty centerpieces on a sun-drenched patio table.
Grilled pizza dinner, with duties shared among two capable mothers and many more hands to make the work of it light.
Cousins chattering about the day's swimming party at "Grandma April's pool" and plans made for tomorrow with the cousins.

This summer, every day (practically) feels like a family reunion or vacation full of meal plans, activities to keep many children on good behavior, and conversations on parenting, spirituality, exercise, courting spouses, stretching a dollar and making a house into a home with my dear friend and sister.

The sleeping conditions may seem less than perfect, but the company and the circumstances are pretty ideal. While our husbands are stir crazy for their own families in their own "castles" ASAP, my sister and I are learning how to appreciate one another and adore one another's children. This has been the upside of our very non-traditional summer.


  1. It sounds WONDERFUL!!!

  2. Katie, we are in a very similar boat: getting ready to move in with my husband's brother and his family until we find a place to live or a house to build. It is a confusing time but I am glad to see that you are doing it so successfully. I will look forward to taking strength from you and your situation!!!

  3. Sounds like I am missing out big time - room for one more?

  4. ok, so this has nothing to do with this blog, but I don't have your email address or phone #. I don't want to bug you, but do you want to be in a jr. high carpool with Searles and Ostergars and/or a few others? KellyO

  5. sweet post, what great times, during interesting circumstances.
