Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Great and Terrible


*John comes home, usually, just in time for dinner dishes to be cleared. He can (once the boxes are empty and the phone service connected and the last IKEA bookshelf assembled) resume his post as bedtime helper and late evening companion

*We live in a house that (as soon as the bank will get its act together) we own. No more being house guests, no more sharing a washing machine. Bless you, sister Amanda and brother in law John, for the saintly way in which you allowed a family twice the size of your own to occupy your newly remodeled-very cool-super upscale abode with you. Our memories of this summer are rich and fun because of nights sleeping out on the upper deck and mornings of summer chores and journals at your glass kitchen table.

*We have our belongings. They are still mostly in boxes, but we have been sleeping in beds of our own for over a week now-and that feels mighty good.

*Our neighbors are amazing. We've gained pounds for all the home cooking they've brought to our door and we've shed tears over the tender love extended as Susie and Scott (the owner's whose home we have purchased) have mowed our lawn, emptied our boxes and entertained our children in their back yard pool while we claw our way out of the chaos of boxes.

*Michele, Sharon, Heather and Brittany keep the home fire burning on Pacer Way; scrubbing windows and accompanying A/C repair men into the home that we left behind at the mercy of a terrible housing market.

And now the Terrible:

*We still own a home-now empty-in Texas. This means two mortgages which means a tight budget and I have never been a capable penny pincher. Come on Dallas buyer! We are praying for your hasty arrival!

*We are still buried in boxes and that leaves me buried in the obsessed need to organize and complete. But here I am, finally, at the computer; which means I'm trying to un-bury my soul and organize my thoughts to include a life outside these new walls.

*Though coming to familiar surroundings this still is a move, and a move means change and change is always a challenge.

Thank goodness the great far outweighs the terrible. Look for some pictures tomorrow. For now just know we live at the Spruces, happy to call this new cottage our home.


  1. Happy to see you are settled enough to post once again. It is going to be a lovely home with all your personal touches in it. I am excited to see it in a week, how much you will have accomplished. But please, get outside a little with your kids and relax for a few minutes everyday...or every other day. You will be glad you did!
    Love to all!

  2. I think it's great that you add finishing touches as you go! all your memories are displayed through out your home already - if it weren't such a task to hang pictures you'd do that along the way as well. quite impressive Kate - hope we are helping more than hindering the process!

  3. I am so happy to see that you have your own home. I will pray too that your Texas home can finally find it's owner. I read a great talk this past week by Michael Wilcox where he talks about the phrase tight like a dish. When we go through the really hard trials, it is because the Lord has prepared us, like the ship for the brother of Jared and his family for the experiences. Your family is strong and tight like unto a dish!

  4. Hooray for Katie! Thanks for the bit-o-blog... appropriate to start us off at the front door. I like it so far. : )

  5. One more thing: I hate to be such a nudge, but apparently must be one to mention this --under your profile change one word and it reads, "We are currently learning to enjoy Utah, again."

    The more things change...
