some wonderful friends from Texas, who came to me on my birthday as I watched my belongings be packed for our move here to the Spruces.
A very long time ago, my dad shared with me a gem of eternal truth. I wish I could remember the circumstances which surrounded our conversation, but the clear view of his kind face speaking to me these words will forever be with me,
"Katie, the things that you have in this life will be nice. But they won't matter as much as the people you come to love. Our things are so fleeting, so temporary. But relationships? They matter. They last through the eternities. They are the gifts we bring with us into eternity."
I've thought a lot about friendship today. Perhaps it is that my friends Susie and Jenna stayed with us for the weekend. I'm sure it is in part because my children are working through the newness of friendships in this new place, and also re-visiting friendships they left behind when we lived near here before. I've felt a deep sadness for the friendships I've left in our old home in Texas, and a gratitude for the comforting thoughts that friendships parted with love will remain friendships forever more.
And in all my thoughts on friendship the one my dad shared is the one that comes back. That friends are the treasures of this life, and that friendships knit in unity and love are gifts that can last forever.
here here. i think putting amazing friends in my life was god's way of convincing me to come here in the first place. i'm sure i only agreed to it because of them. ♥
My favorite thought on freindship
Death cannot kill, what never dies Nor can Spirits ever be divided
that love and live in the same Divine Principle...This is the Comfort of Friends,
that though they may be said to Die,
yet their Friendship and Society are, in the best Sense,
ever present, because Immortal.
William Penn
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