Friday, August 21, 2009

Where is the Spruces?

I've named our new cottage/rambler "The Spruces" in honor of the massive spruce tree that sits majestically on the front corner of our property. We are located in a little nook of Salt Lake Valley, with a view of Mt. Olympus and the cock-a-doodle-doo of a rooster down the street. The story of how we found our cottage is too long to relay, but suffice it to say that a friend told a friend that a good family needed a good solid home, and a beautiful rental property became our forever abode. Here is the last installment of a week of introduction to our corner of the world. We will unbury the garage this weekend and hang pictures up 'til we run outta nails. Then it will be enough for now, and we will focus on getting kids to bed in time for early morning scriptures and bake bread for sack lunches as school begins this Monday.This is the lower half of the back yard. Won't that sport court be a great place for evening patio parties, with lights and candles strung from the trees and delicious grilled food from the barbie? Can't wait til next summer to try!
A fun view of the front porch. Someday the round columns will be square, and the white brick will be Cape Cod grey/blue...just imagine for now.
and another fun view, this time of the back patio. Small and covered in fake plastic grass, this will some day no longer be the back patio, but instead an outdoor kitchen. For now we will make it cozy with awesome outdoor sitting furniture gifted from Mom Graham, who has updated her own furnishings and is sharing her cool stuff with us!
The grand old flag, original to the home, flies proudly near the front door. These stars and stripes need serious retirement, and we will fold it appropriately and deliver it to the home's original owner, who now resides in a nearby retirement center. But we have an Old Glory of our own, and she will wave gently over The Spruces very soon.
ANd finally, a view of our Spruce back-dropping the cone flower that adorns the front flower beds. The original owner was an avid gardner, I'm told we will find hundreds of tulips budding this spring, and we already enjoy massive perennial flower beds (which need some TLC, come on DIG Design! Go sister Jessa!) and many many trees surrounding the property. Our immediate interest is in preparing a bed for vegatable plantings next spring. Mason has already torn out some garbage plants, and we are ammending the soil soon so wonderful growing conditions will be ready for tomatoes, beans and peas after the Utah winter has ended.

And now, for the good news. As of today our Texas home is under contract. The new buyers have 7 days in option wherein they could change their mind, but we extend our faith in believing the time has come for Texas to be a warm memory and for our eyes to no longer look back. Pray for a "clean close" on the property; we are so grateful for the faith you have extended in our behalf-See you here again next week!


  1. I am so glad you are setteled. It looks like such a fun new place.

  2. What a wonderful new place to call home. I love the name! Welcome home!!!!

  3. Our little abode is named East Farm. I would love to come someday soon and share the history of our property (and yours) as it is very personal to me! Glad you are home.

  4. All wonderfully exciting news! Congratulations. I wish I possessed your talent of decorating and the vision of how things will come together! I have never thought of naming our home - should think about it though! For now we will just call it home.

  5. It loos lovely! WE too just went under contract on our old utah home. It will be so nice to not have to worry about that one and just focus on our new utah home!

  6. I'm so happy to hear about your home going under contract! We'll keep praying for a quick, clean close so you can comfortably move on. Sometimes it just takes that leap of faith to move, leave a home vacant, and hope everything works out. Good for you!!

  7. Good luck on the close! It's great to hear! Your new home looks like such a wonderful place to live.
