Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still a Top Dog...

Porter is enjoying school. He comes home telling me how he is making friends. He shares with me the kind comments from his teacher, Mrs. Jordan. His grades are good. He is happy.

But at heart, Porter is still a Top Dog. One of Mrs. Neudeck's top dogs.

Mrs. Neudeck was Porter's first grade teacher. She was awesome. Her class of "top dogs" were premier in Porter's mind as the very best and brightest the state of Texas had to offer.

Today during after-school-pretend-school in the garage, I caught Porter (named "Mr. Grant" today) encouraging his class of 3 willing students;

"Great job top dogs!" The phrase rolled out of his mouth like de ja vou.

Thank you Mrs. Neudeck, wherever you are. For being the teacher Porter adored. For treating your students like intelligent capable children. For expecting them to do their best. For bringing out the top dog in my very own kid.

He's still one of yours at heart.

(school's out tomorrow so we are going camping. See you back here on Monday.)

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