Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trying to look ahead...

I've fallen into a bit of disrepair this year. Especially since about June. Scripture study is all but not happening for me. I haven't exercised regularly since we ran Ragnar. My eating habits aren't habits at all, but instead they are indulgences seasoned with a peppering of guilt. I'm looking back over my shoulder a lot; re-visiting old experiences, remembering nostalgically the adventures of past years. Not wanting to forge ahead into the blessed possibilities of tomorrow, I'm sad for having lost something of what I was; the me who cared about me enough to take care of soul and body.

I must admit, I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see. And though I'm certainly not happy with the outward appearance (no muscle! so much soft goo hanging around my middle! uneven skin tones and wrinkle, oh my!) I also am not liking me on the inside very much. I feel brittle. I feel lonely. I feel I have little to give.

That is not the me I want to be any more.

A couple of days ago a friend sent a quote :

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the
devil says~~
"Oh Crap, She's up!"

So, its time to become that me. Sugar, farewell. Cookies and candy, I must bid you goodbye. No more sleeping in, but exercise must happen instead. Prayers (the personal kind) morning and night-and on my knees instead of sitting up in my bed ;) Scriptures are now placed in the car, in my handbag and by my bed so I can indulge in "feasting upon the word" each day for 15 minutes. And-the change that almost needs to happen more than any other-I will do as Camilla Kimball has suggested:

"Never supress a generous thought."

Its time to think about others. The others I live with and the others around me.

wish me the best of luck. And a prayer would be nice as well.


  1. watch out she comes!

  2. KT your feelings so mirror mine, and even that blog post I told you I felt silly about posting! I am here to help you out of this rut friend, call on me whenever you need some encouragement, because I know if anyone can do it you can.

  3. I am newly on the same page as well, especially where scripture study and feeding my soul are concerned. I love your quote from Camilla Kimball!

  4. Today is temple day... why don't you go, too?

    Try out Draper, maybe. It was my favorite to visit this summer.

  5. Oh Crap, she's up. You can do it!

  6. On your next email to me, let's plan an actual meeting up :) maybe at the OMT...
