Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Mom catches Madi on Parent night

Grandma Noodle and all the kids after the curtain call last night

cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep...that's what we are hearing from Madi this week, as she sings and dances around the house, recounting the fun and antics back stage at our High School's production of "The Music Man". It is an interesting little miracle that Madi is in the production. She missed try-outs, as we had decided for her to do swim team and her time would be taken in the lanes. Then swim team didn't work out. No play, no swim team. Sad me. Sad Madi.

Someone put Madi's name on the cast list. We cannot tell who or how, but two weeks before show time her friends in the play were calling and begging her to join them. She's in! She's in!

Now she and a wonderful group of young thespians add mounds of character as Harold and Marion fight Trouble in River City. Happy me. Happy Madi.

For the past many nights Madi has said in her evening prayers "I thank thee that I can have talents". As she sings, smiles, gestures and lights the stage in this little play I can see that the developing of her talents is truly a joy to her...and to me.


  1. And what a beauty to boot! Wish I could have been there, love you Madi, I'm proud of you!

  2. Wish we could have been there to see you Madi! We love you and are proud of you.

  3. I LOVE MADI -- how fabulous for her!
