Wednesday, October 14, 2009

taking their turns

San Antonio TX, last Spring '09

with the flu. Molly has risen from her bed of affliction with just enough time to fluff the pillows so Madi could take her place. I think Mason is next, he left for school with a splitting headache; that's the way they say it starts. At least we'll get through it fast. Symptoms seem to last only a few days, with lingering runny noses after fever has gone.

I've felt overwhelmed with places to go and things to do lately, but now that I have to change plans to care for one who needs to be home I see that the world keeps spinning without me! How distracted I must get to think that I have so little time to be nurturing, going slowly, and observing the kids I love. When they are sick, I see better that I can be home with them and give in to their longings for drinks in bed and an extra story without feeling like I have to do this or that; because the job I have to do more than any other is take care of the children who I mother.


  1. That is why I quit working when I had little kids. I decided it was wrong, no matter how badly we needed the money, to make my kids feel bad or me guilty that I had other, more important things to do. It was great when I no longer worked and my daughter got sick. I just sat with her on the couch, not feeling guilty that I had to tell my boss that motherhood came first.

  2. That is so true. My kids have been sick with the flu lately too, and I love cuddling with them. Not that I would wish them sick, but it is a nice break from the day to day rush.

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Yeah, I heard SLC was hit pretty hard with the swine flu. It is just heading our way. 30+ kids at the Jr. High. So far, mine seem healthy. With Dallin's Asthma, I'm a bit worried about him. I guess I'll just have to sit and wait and make my kids wash their hands and take vit C constantly:)
