Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Family Crest (upon request)

The Crest hangs over the mantle in our Texas home, Christmas 2008

Now it finds its place here, over our Swedish bench in the kitchen, at the Spruces

painted with love for John's Christmas gift 2006

*Every symbol and phrase is something I want our family to remember.
*The words you do not recognize are foreign languages; all the ones in which we have experienced God's love (English, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese. We had not yet felt loved in the tongue from Zimbabwe or Evie's native Xhosa when this piece was created).
*The black and white border symbolizes our symbol of integrity; like a railroad track, what we know is right must line up with what we do-we've asked our kids countless times if they are "on track", and the border reminds them of that train of integrity that means so much to us.
*John's mother is the reason the images have depth, warmth and dimension. I designed and painted the canvas, but before her help it was a one dimensional idea-her artistry and talent is the reason it looks like a painting instead of a child's drawing. Forever thank you Mom Graham!

* John and I have imagined where it would hang
in the homes we've purchased since this piece was gifted on Northwood Road. I think it will have its permanent home right where it is, in our kitchen at the Spruces.

1 comment:

  1. You still need to hear the builders song! I think of this painting whenever we sing it in primary!
