Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Above Average, but still normal

We disagree on things (especially how to spend our time and money)
I don't feel a thrill of excitement when I hear the words "board game"
John shudders with concern when he hears me say "errands"
I want John to spend money on me when we go on vacation together
John feels the money spent to go on the vacation is evidence enough of devotion
I feel it would be nice to install the laundry room lights and hang the black framed picture wall
John feels it would be nice to play a game with his children and balance the budget together

John works hard to do things that will bring me happiness (harder than I ever thought he would when I promised to love him forever, by the way...)

I work hard to do things that will bring John happiness too (wanna see my budget ledger? hubba hubba...)

Its lots of give and take, and I admit I know I take a lot more than I give.

As marriages go, I think its way above average. Not perfect, but with decent trajectory. And lots of pure intent.

And you won't find me complaining about him here in public, nor in front of my offspring. That's just not my place; to put down the person who decided to confide all in me and trust me above any other on this earth. We disagree in front of our kids, but we won't dishonor one another in front of them, ever.

Still, rest assured,

we are normal.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to treat each other and to share it with others!
