Tuesday, January 05, 2010

After the Yule Tide...

from this...

To this...

After the wave of holiday celebrating there is always the clean up. This takes me days, and I dread it immensely. How to put it all back in the boxes it came out of. How to remember how it decked the halls so that next year's decorating will be simplified. One tree done (the upstairs tree wasn't even photographed this year, definitely need to remedy that next time we have a December!) and still one tree to go.

And it all has to be done amid other house chores like laundry and dishes which seem to add up during the holiday break.

So, I'm up to my neck in mess. Once its all put away I can look forward to resolutions and look back at the best of 2009. For now, it feels like moving day with a decided Christmas bent.

see you back here tomorrow. And P.S.; How do you help your kids "deal" with the going back to school blues? We are struggling to get kids to bed on time and help them feel motivated on these dark winter mornings to rise from their beds and walk (to school)....give me your advice! Perhaps hot chocolate at scriptures tomorrow? Maybe some sugar in the dark of the a.m. is just the jump start we need...


  1. waffles. but hot cocoa might be neccessary tomorrow. I think this week is only going to get more rough. good luck!!

  2. good music, candles, special breakfast foods can make it fun.

    an idea that really motivated in my family was a surprise award for the "best made bed" of the day (or some such thing). perhaps "happiest" or "fastest getting dressed".

    the award consisted of a candy bar taped on a home made construction paper Blue Ribbon.

    i guarantee the kid who gets the unexpected award will be trying to replicate it for the rest of the week, and their siblings will be motivated to try and win one the next day too. sometimes you just need a new gimmick to get things jump started in life.

  3. Hot Chocolate is ALWAYS appropriate! It warms inside and out. Nothin say Lovin like hot chocolate and cinnimon toast or homade rolls, or .....I could go on.

    Gee, I thought I taught you this Katie..have I failed as a mother? No, I am just over weight, there fore you have chosen a more health lifestyle and you do not reach for the cocoa like I do. Is that your loss, or my gain?
    (definatly my gain...Spare tire speaking!)
    Blue's idea is a really good one, and waffles are always "appropriate" as well.
    Love you, Happy inversion days!
    Keep the home fires burning.

  4. My living room looks worse than it did on Christmas morning. I am having a hard time pulling myself together! And Dave just called and told me the scouts would be coming over tonight. Maybe they would clean my house as a service project. what do you think?
