Friday, January 15, 2010

The Faces I see when I think of Haiti

Carrine, the bright eyed beauty who captured Suzie's heart.

and her little brother Ridge, who was loved before he was seen by a family who wanted him forever

an orphan baby girl gets a bath from Rebecca

The darling face of this little boy was in my dreams days after I left the country of Haiti. John and I had begun the adoption journey, and I was terrified I was leaving my son or daughter behind. Little did we know that Lucy was born far away from the orphanages I visited, and was born 3 years after this trip changed my life for good.

this little guy was living with Rebecca while his American family fought the corruption rampant in the government where adoptions were concerned. They paid Rebecca room and board for their son while they tried to get him to the States, to be home with them forever

Dear Ridge and Carrine,

What a blessing it has been in my life to have visited Haiti when your mom brought you home. I know that life must seem very far away for you now. I couldn't begin to believe I could understand your feelings concerning your homeland. I'm sure as you face your futures it must be wild to look back at your past. Your talents, in athletics, in compassion, and intelligence (Carrine you are SO SMART!) are developed in your family in ways you probably don't appreciate right now (or maybe you do? I hope). Whatever your feelings are about the land where you were born, I want you to know that I'm glad I got to see it.

And that I got to meet you THERE. I look at BOTH of you with a lot of respect and admiration, because I watched you walk out of the orphanages that you had made your home. I watched you act with faith as a family who loved you-but who were largely strangers to you- invited you to learn a new language, be part of a new culture, and embrace a religion you had chosen to accept. You were strong then, stronger than you could tell us in Creole. But I could see it in your eyes, and feel it in your very presence.

And look where you are now. Ridge, you are an unstoppable athlete. And I have seen you melt as you held our babies and played with our children. And you are learning to be responsible for your actions and your attitudes. I've seen you serve other people, and I know there is a depth to your soul that-as you find and accept it-can be a force for good in the world.

Carrine, your academic achievements are so incredible! You sieze opportunities to gain knowledge and intelligence. You are a kind and loyal friend, and a stalwart daughter of God. He loves you my dear friend. And He knows you very well, to have sent Susie and Dave to YOUR orphanage, to find you and bring you to a place where they would provide opportunity for your talents to be developed. Whatever challenges you face, I hope you will always remember that I KNOW that God knows you. I watched Him work in you, and in your parents too. I love you very much...

and I'm so grateful I know you, like very few other people do. I've seen where you came from-and I can see all the places you might go from here.

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