Wednesday, January 13, 2010

From the Met

Last month I enjoyed a few hours at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I stood in front of Van Goh's "Sunflowers" and dropped my jaw in front of Monet's "Sunsets" series. It was a most awesome morning for me.

The many docents and security personel remind patrons of the museum to photograph the art with caution; and without flashes (!). I confidently stood here, in front of Monet, and pushed the red button on my camera, positively sure my flash was turned off.

It wasn't.

The security guard turned his head faster than you could say "oops". He quickly and quietly confiscated my camera, and proceeded to give me a one on one lesson on how to turn off my flash.

I was embarrassed. And I also giggled as I walked out of the gallery.

It was so something I would do.


  1. I was naughty and took a flash photo of a mummy at our local museum a couple of weeks ago! Oops! Thankfully I was only "scolded" by a very nice young man who looked like he wouldn't hurt a flea! I'm so glad (and of course, jealous) of your trip to NYC! We miss you guys and the neighborhood!

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    lol oh katie thank you so much for the good laugh. That reminds me of the time a security guard yelled at me to stop running in Disneyland and yes, it was to be the first one on a ride(this was only a year ago) I was racing Dallin.

  3. I have taken my children to the National Gallery of Art twice, the rest of the museums in DC I have stopped counting how many times we have been in, at least 20. The first time my kids got too close to the paintings, too many times. Thankfully it was a different guard each time, but boy was I worn out. The next time, it was a quick trip and they were threatened with their lives if they got too close. I think it is quite cute that the security guard would show you how to take a shot without a flash. :-)
