Friday, January 08, 2010

My "To-Do" list of this week...very long and self revealing

I grimace as I face the list...

My amazing sister posted a list of all she has accomplished this week since the New Year began. I was "wowed" by her productivity, and really proud of her seeing all she had done, instead of dwelling on the few things she hadn't.

But I think I'll go ahead and dwell. Because my list of things I have not yet done is pretty overwhelming for me.

I am, by very nature, a list maker. Lists of qualities I want to possess. Lists of outfits I have creatively organized (yes, I have made a list of outfits. Shallow, I know). Lists of things I admire in my husband. Lists of friends I have made and would like to keep in touch with. Lists of places I want to go with our family. Lists of experiences I want to have with my kids before they leave my nest.

And I make lots of to-do lists.

My system has become fairly refined over the years. It is a hand written list (I have not had success with Apps for this process). They are kept together in a little notebook. I fill in a little hand drawn circle when each task is accomplished. The notebook stays with me most always. I also write notes to myself here, usually about other lists I need to make. The notebook even comes to my room at night, where I often deposit random things that didn't or did get done onto its pages so my brain can rest through the night.

My to-do list right now is very long. And full of things I don't immensely enjoy. And I have been fairly grumpy about its length and content of late. The things on my list often do not make it to the list my spouse keeps for "us". And that is well and good, because -also by very nature- I often feel things are important to get done that probably really aren't that important. And my amazing and deeply capable spouse is able to prioritize what NEEDS to happen from what would BE NICE to get done. While it all, in my mind, remains a NEED.

The list every day has the following
exercise O read (scriptures that is) O pray (morning in particular) O blogO

like i said, the little 'O' is there for me to fill in when these tasks are complete


so I will work to drink my needed 8 glasses every day

Then comes the overwhelming stuff, the stuff that just isn't getting done;
clean the house
-5 bathrooms O
-clean den windows O
-put our clean clothes away O
-organize and tidy my closet O
-clean the hallwayO
-organize the toys and dress ups O
-clean out and organize my studio O
-clean kitchen countersO
-Mop kitchen floorO
-clean up laundry roomO

take the TV to D.I. O
get groceries O
get to Costco!O
prepare my primary calling O
register Mason for EFY O
pay the water bill O
Wash the car inside and out O
get a sitter for Saturday night O
call the Vet for Cooper O
get items on Internet classified adds O
-green hutch
-girls' bunk beds
-downstairs fridge
-computer desk
-stereo cupboard
Get black framed photos on landing wall O
write thank you notes from Christmas O
pick up the comforter from the cleaners O
get to Target to buy next year's Christmas lights (on clearance) O
organize message center O
go to Home Depot for Wood glue, hooks for Porter's flag, light fixture for garage O
get hooks up in girls' room and downstairs bathroom O
patch walls where towel racks used to be in downstairs bathroom O
replace my tinted moisturizer O
listen to on line lecture for scrapbook class and do assignments 1&2 O

that is what I have on my list. Now I can fill in the "to do" that says 'blog'

have a happy and productive weekend. See you here on Monday


  1. soyou feel better all I did today is clean up oily dog barf, again. and go to costco. so much for these wheels turning! but tonight the Temple!

    I have decided we need those tough weeks to help us appreciate the weeks we get more "done". it'll even out soon! love you.

  2. I am leaving you a confession. I made a list of everything I don't like and wish I could change or have, taped it too my door, closed it and had my own little pity party yesterday. Seriously ask my kids. I will try harder today. And my Christmas stuff is still all over the place, my house looks like Christmas met Dorothy's tornado. Anitra would not be happy with me to say the least. We do what we can do right? Thanks for not always being perfect, that is why I love you so much!!

  3. yesterday i made a list of projects around the house I need to do... just the one I can actually do, not the ones that require a handyman or electrician, etc.

    it is quite lengthy.

    I also contemplated blogging about what I have accomplished in the past week just to prove (to myself) that I have done anything at all.

    must be something in the air...

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    You have just confirmed why I never do lists. That is overwhelming KT. I don't do lists because then I'm always disappointed with myself. In my morning prayers, I list what I want to accomplish that day, and when I fail...well lets just say, that is the only time when my short term memory loss is a good thing.

  5. It's Monday morning, and looking at your list, I'd say you accomplished a great deal this weekend. Good work.
