Friday, February 12, 2010

At Home in South Africa

Melissa's mantle, a showplace for family photos and the declaration of the center of their home; the teachings of Jesus Christ

I'm so happy to introduce you to my friend Melissa. When we lived in Johannesburg South Africa, Melissa came to visit me at least once a month in the home we lived in there. She would ask after me, and uplift me and encourage me as i homeschooled and mothered in a foreign land. She was a sister in every sense; lending a hand when needed, being a shoulder to cry on, and proving to be the best cheerleader any lonely American could ask for. I'm so happy to share Melissa with you-and hope you can feel of her incredible strength and profound wisdom through the ideas and thoughts she shares...

What does the concept of "Home" mean to you?

Our diningroom with books and books on the shelves, we are great readers, we also have all our family meals around the table, homework gets done, family board games and any other projects, my one is on the table, I am busy covering 33 books for the school that Talya and Paul attend, I.R.Griffith Primary School. Michael my eldest is in Higschool.

What does the concept of "Home" mean to you?
Home is a refuge, a place of learning, no fighting, being relaxed, happy, playing, hugging/cuddling and enjoying each others company, and spiritual upliftment. Warner serves as Stake President, so he is busy three nights a week and is away most Sundays and the occasional Saturday or weekend. Our family time is very precious and we guard our time together.

The late afternoon sun shining through, the sun is very bright in the afternoon and warm, we need to keep the bay window closed because it gets so hot, yesterday was one of the very few days we have had with all day sun, as it has rained so much, the past 3 weeks. I was very happy for the overdose of vitamin D.

How do you approach creating that concept of home for your children and family?
Being LDS makes the understanding of home very unique. We are required to work hard at our family. FHE, family council, activities, prayer, scripture reading together, Church attendance and any other meeting required to attend together, outside home activities, school. I personally do not have any siblings, and have limited contact with extended family, I don’t know my mother’s family well at all and my father’s family all live in Germany and those are the only ones I am in contact with and get to visit. I lost my father at the age of 17 years, so I have had to define my family for myself. Warner and I are converts and didn’t grow up with the gospel in our homes, so we are enjoying doing everything that is required of us, it is true privilege.

What is a favorite memory you have surrounding "Home" or "Being Home" or "Welcome Home"?

About 4 years ago, a year and a half after my husband was serving as Stake President, he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour. It was removed and it was a long recovery for my husband and for our family. I remember being outside with my husband as he was preparing a Dutch oven meal for us. I was overcome with emotion and so grateful for this lovely time we were spending in our own backyard as a family, I knew then I would have lost Warner if it wasn’t for the grace of Heavenly Father.

I have easy rules to follow in the home. Not everything is always tidy and always clean, but mostly it gets done. And if it doesn’t get done today it can be done tomorrow. Life is to short for our home is a home and not a hotel or show house.

What advice could you give another who desires to create an inviting home for themselves and those they love?
Believe that you can create an inviting home for yourself and for those you love. Be consistent and be stable for your family. Be flexible and have time to play. Invite the Saviour to teach you about patience and unconditional love. Trust your feelings and don’t let others outside of your home be critical of the way the home is run. Be kind to yourself and allow tomorrow to be there if today wasn’t enough. Keep your home organized and clean as the day dictates (remember sometimes life can throw you a side ball that you didn’t ask for). Enjoy it and decorate it the way you want to. Spend time with your husband and love him. Spend time with each child and love them individually. And most of all enjoy your home!


  1. Thank you Melissa....I loved hearing your perspective. Your statement "Be kind to yourself and allow tomorrow to be there if today wasn’t enough" Is just perfect for me this week!

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