When John travels I end up sharing my bed with various children. They kick me and roll over me and I tolerate it because they love to have "sleep overs" with me.
But the rule in our bedroom is that the last person out of bed makes the bed. And my kids are the lasts ones out of bed when they sleep in the one in my room (or any room for that matter).
"Kids, if you sleep over in my room you've got to make the bed when you wake up" I said the other day, while driving someone to something with the rest in tow.
"The only reason I make your bed is because I love you Mommy!" That was Molly's response to my announcement/reminder/edict.
Next day I was up before the child who slept over. My day was full like always, and after that guest had pranced off to school I scrambled to grab a shower before I was off as well.
When I got out of the shower, I found the bed, just as you see it above.
Molly stood beside it, and these were her words after the kindly deed...
"See mommy, I told you that I love you. And that's why I made your bed"
AH that Molly Girl! I love her, you tell her that please, I only tackle her for a hug when I see her, because I love her.
So priceless! That is true love. quick story. When I came home from college, my mom had watched good morning america that day and they said that if you children really love you they will help you clean when they come to visit without being asked. I came home and started cleaning and it brought my mother to tears. She shared that she new that I really loved her, because I just did it. Molly really does love you. :-)
What a sweet moment!!
What a nice girl, and I am impressed at her bed making skills - I think that is better than even my husband can do!
little gem that one. keep polishing mom, your doing a good one by her. thanks for the share.
That's so sweet! What a lovely little girl she is :)
What a great way to start a day!
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