Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the Road to Eagle...

Mason and John at the top of the trail, camping last weekend for the Eagle

We are one project away from having an eagle scout. While I had hoped Mason would be perched in the Eagle's nest by his 15th birthday (which is Sunday...) that is not to be. But before Mason steps through the doors of his High School Next August he will have reached a very important goal.
A rite of passage.
An expectation.
A worthy accomplishment.

Moving through 3 different programs has certainly slowed Mason down. And having an oaf of a mom when it comes to scouting hasn't helped much either. And-by the way-anyone who tells you that a mom shouldn't have to be involved in a boy's obtaining an eagle scout rank has not read the program. It is designed for family involvement. No scout has accomplished this without a very hard working mother and father (or substitute for such as available). All the scout masters have been great. Even in Africa, where there was not scout program, John was a terrific scout master helping mason earn at least a couple of merit badges (physical fitness being one of them).

So, with this latest update, I look forward to the eagle project with Mason. He will do it, of course with our help-but this final capstone of all the effort will the the thing done most independent of us; and I believe in the end that is what we work toward. From cradling the boy, to teaching him how to walk on his own, to watching him soar alone.


  1. I had my first "scouting" experience recently as a Webeloes scout leader. I was so impressed by the curriculum...and by how much I learned being a part of the program! I actually miss it!

    Congratulations to Mason!! That is a monumental accomplishment!

  2. Hopefully James is not too far behind Mason! Good effort Graham family.

  3. Can't wait to find out what he project is and find out how we can help!!

  4. We are 100% behind you. Go Mason go! Grandpa and Grandma
