Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank You's To Recent Visitors

Dear Linda,
Thank you for making the Spruces a stop on your whirlwind tour of Salt Lake/Provo a few weeks ago. I'm so glad the boys forgot to give you your keys before they headed back down to the Y! We got to stay up late and talk and talk. It was lovely. And I love the yellow pots you picked for the front porch-how do you like them now that they are home? I can't wait to see them when we get up there next month. And I"m going to make you buy furniture for your living room! Start collecting samples girl, it is GO TIME! Is it nice now that your college boy is home and preparing for his mission? I hope you are relishing every suit purchased, every minute spent listening to his thoughts about the work ahead, and all the advice you have to offer as you were once an amazing missionary yourself. I love you. Our early morning runs years ago have welded us forever friends. I miss those mornings with you.

Dear Sharon,
I am so flattered that in the 36 hours you had in this town you found a way to check out the new digs and sit in the kitchen and gab with me! I miss going to the temple with you Sharon, and I miss your fun and real-world comments. I miss your politics, and I miss your compliments. It was great to hear how things are going down there in big ol' Texas. And it was fun to show you around the house that you watched me agonize over purchasing. I can't wait for this summer when you come over again, and hang out with me in the back garden sipping lemonade and telling me all about the goings on in Flower Mound and the good things in your life. You make my life a good one Sharon. Thank you so much for that.

Dear Erin,
John and I had such a great time at dinner with you and Bart! We hope we left you to go home and find your children tucked in bed by someone else that loves them (Grandma? Auntie?). You looked amazing for just having FINISHED A MARATHON. I am so proud of you for all of your continued physical accomplishments. And the business you run. And the household you run. I miss our little outings and talking about the latest fun things at Anthro. (I don't go there anymore now that we are on a budget ;). I also miss visiting teaching with you-please tell Melissa Netto Hi from me, and Katie Goff too! John and I were both so flattered that in the short time you were in town you two would sup with us. Great choice of restaurants, and lets do it again soon! Erin, you've taught me lessons in how to live my life that no one else could teach. I look up to you in many ways and am thankful for your friendship.
Glad we could fill up the Ragnar team, even more glad that means I'll see you again SOON.

Dear Susie,
THANK YOU for staying in our home! Thank you for talking to me and being me big sister, full of wisdom, advice, kind words and good vibes in general. Our time being across the street neighbors and the trip to Haiti with you pretty much makes us family. Thank you for organizing our Shower! Thank you for the much needed bed slats! Your gifts were just what we needed (and I"m so embarrassed we didn't even know we needed them ;) We are all excited to see you soon and to celebrate your (well, our) lovely Jenna as she graduates this spring! See you so soon!

1 comment:

  1. I miss having you nearby, Katie! Look at all those kinds, personal words you shared. I admire your ability to slow down and concentrate on who you are with, in even the smallest interaction. What to do now that I am too far removed to see you in action? Hooray for blogs!

    Thanks for taking first shift on decompressing Sharon...
