Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Some thoughts in the middle of "one of those weeks"

A random crazy photo to match my random crazy thoughts...thanks Sprout!

I have some random thoughts to share in the middle of a week that has become a bit surreal to me:

*I have had little sleep in the last three nights, and that's not going to change before naptime on Sunday. And every few hours I recall that Mother's Day is this Sunday. And I love to honor my own mothers, but to be honest I really don't feel it an honor to be honored on Mother's day, so I am happy to use some of that day in sleep and rest-oblivious to the fact that it is a day I am supposed to be revered and adored though I don't feel worthy of any adoration at all.

*We have some plumbing issues that are going to cost us big. The funny thing? with all we have going on right now I was more excited today when the plumber said he could fix it without making a big huge mess than I was when he handed me the price quote and it was less than the quote he'd given me verbally. I didn't care about saving money, I cared that I wouldn't have to have drywall cut into or, worse, leaked on to.

*All my lights are on upstairs even though I am the only one awake at 11:30 or so at night. This even though Porter came down into the DARK basement the other morning when we were ALL down there getting people ready for church and methodically turned out every light in the place. "To save the Earth" he said as he flipped switches. I guess he didn't learn to save the Earth from me.

*I should be compiling, editing and receiving revelation concerning the remarks I've been asked to make at Grandma's funeral this Saturday. I am procrastinating. Because whenever I go to compile and edit I become tearful and humble and sentimental. I keep thinking just one more hour will make my constitution such that I will be able to wade through the tender thoughts of my extended family and wittle down a lifetime of goodness into a 10 minute or less presentation. After I finish this post, I will go into my room and pray again for the Lord to help me know what He wants others to know about this choice spirit that is my Grandma. And somehow I think that before Saturday comes around He'll help me and things will work out.

*I didn't get to exercise today. Two races in June-one cycling and one running-and no running, cycling or swimming done today. But at least I downed two Great Harvest Chocolate Chip cookies. That should make up for lack of exercise, don't you think?

*Finally, I just read a post by a very popular blogger about how she is managing life with as a mother of two. And I gotta tell ya, its all about perspective. She is exactly valid in her overwhelmed feelings. They are genuine and real and worthy. But boy, I think my overwhelmed trumps hers, simply by the fact that it is multiplied by 3 times the kids and 2 times the teenagers. That line in the scriptures about knowledge being added "line upon line"? I think strength is also added "child upon child". It must be, because I remember feeling overwhelmed with two. But now I know I am overwhelmed-with Six.


  1. I'm glad you will be able to speak about your Grandma. You will do a beautiful job.

    Overwhelmed with six definitely trumps overwhelmed with two... except you forgot that one of the two is a newborn. Which roughly equates to five, in my book. So I guess you're tied for the next little while. (But you beat me, that's for sure!)

    I love those photos. You are so good at getting BEAUTIFUL family photos. I need to work on that.

  2. sweet katiegirl! you have always been such a tremendous example of goodness and humility. a humble demeanor is not a denial of our worth as individuals. rather, it is the tool that allows us, insofar as possible, to be on good terms with all persons...including ourselves and god. and you do this consistently!

    as you move through this frenetic time in your life, dealing with the loss of a beloved grandmother, and following in the footsteps of her legacy with your own precious six, be gentle with yourself! you are leading them, and doing a glorious job of it! someday you'll see the work you're doing right now from a clearer vantage point. and you'll be glad you took time to receive the honor and love of your family as they celebrate the amazing person they get to claim as "mom" in their lives.

    but for now, just breathe girl! just breathe. ♥
