Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost ready for summer...

Taken the last day I posted on this blog; June 3. 2010
Elementary school carnival, the start of summer for the Grahams

I'm almost ready for summer to start. The problem is that it started June 3. In the past 12 days we've had birthdays, baptisms, bike rides, floods, Father's Day (a little early this year) and camp outs in rainy conditions, not to mention braces for our oldest and a considerable back yard make-over. Swim team, dance company, rugby camp, and basketball clinic have also been a big part of the past 12 days. As well as this mother slave driving the teenage son in order to provide vital life experience in the field of working for a living...

Come Monday we will have also had one more Wasatch Back Relay under my belt, and our real first taste of summer (can you say 'new picnic table'? Al Fresco dining all summer long) will finally be here.

Check back on MOnday for pictures of POrter's birthday et al., some recipes coming your way in time for summer grilling and a peek at this year's summer journals and chore charts.

Wish me luck on the Ragnar! I'm almost ready, but its here.
I think I was just telling you about that.......


  1. Go go go go... Katie! (Joseph flashback?)
    Please post backyard photos.
    Please do tell more slave-driving tips. And lots of journal info. Slug-a-rama around here. : )

    Ragnar: crazy. running. friend.

    I love ya!

  2. Have a great time on the Ragner. One day I think I would be interested in running that one. I love to run, but I have never done any races. We don't start Summer until Friday. Saturday is our first swim meet. I love swim team. Have a great summer!
