Monday, June 28, 2010

Catching Up with our Summer so Far...

Early Father's Day due to the fact that John needed a U.S. jersey BEFORE the world cup began instead of a week after. Soccer games have been the music of our lives since the Cup's opener in RSA. We are proud of Africa, especially the country we for a short time called home.

A church camp-out in Heber prompted a trip to Granny's burgers and shakes on Main Street in that beautiful town. The camp out that followed was nearly rained out, but we still enjoyed time line dancing, eating yummy food with great people, and sleeping "in a cabin tent" in the beautiful setting of HeberValley Camp.

Bryn and friends finish a year of dance training with performances spanning a week's time. The girls called their costume "Brittany Spears School girl". This prompted a change of dance studio, as I don't support "Brittany Spears" anything...

A wonderful evening spent with my cousins and their children. Bar-b-que and conversation mixed with fun games for the kids. Here, Sarah from Boston and Tricia from Draper visit. It was freezing cold. Still, none of us hurried home. Visiting with family is one of the greatest joys of living in Salt Lake for me.

Mason became a "brace face". He will be metal-mouthed for the next 18-24 months. Madi followed soon after. I never experienced braces, my heart has been pained for them as they've rubbed wax on their new metal companions and have asked that we cut everything from corn on the cob to hamburgers for them. Somehow the braces make them both look older. Mason really looks like a man-child these days. Madi is a beautiful young lady.

Summer speeds by so quickly this year. Another installment of our summer follows tomorrow. Wednesday you will see here our Summer journals and, if possible, I'll have attachments you can copy. These, along with our clip board chore charts, have been requested by friends and readers for years. I'll try to make it happen, promise I will!

How fast is your summer speeding by? What are you doing to make it lazy and memorable for your children?


  1. i'm hoping and praying barbara checks her email before tomorrow night so she can join us if possible. i'm excited to see you and the others. you throw a zinger of a party, chica!

  2. We also switched dance studios due to trampy attire on our 5 year old, that I paid a lot of for her to wear and own! I think the teachers need to rethink some of these costumes.
