Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Our Memorial Day Weekend

She was not yet 12 when she became my "Mother's Helper". Now, at 17, this beautiful graduate is a friend and an adored part of our family.

Jenna graduated on Saturday, so in the name of family celebrations we spent the weekend in Boise. We bunked at the Johnson's and were treated like family, special family. We got to rub shoulders with neighbors we love, and most of all we got to be around Jenna.

Jenna's graduation from high school is a huge accomplishment, and as her surrogate mother I wanted to be around her, in the background and on the sideline, so she could see that I am proud proud to call her one of my own...

Of course, this is to take NOTHING away from her first and forever mother, Susie, who is a sister to me in every sense. Susie is a friend who can come in unannounced, sit at my table and be herself while I be myself at home. She has refrigerator rights at my house, and I have the same at hers. We love each other like sisters. And I am watching as she is raising her children just a few years ahead of my own.

We loved playing games, letting our kids romp around the neighborhood, playing more games and eating junk food. We watched movies, we watched dance-off competitions and we watched Jenna as she floated in and out of the house going from commencement to party to playdate with friends whose doors have swung open as wide as hers-the world waiting for them to "step out" and step up and add something to its goodness and glory.

Thanks Johnsons for the wonderful weekend. Thank you "Grandma Marie" for sharing your precious grandchildren with us and for sharing your daughter Susie as well. Thanks Jenna for your good example and the wonder of who you are. Thanks to Boise friends, who are family, for welcoming us back into your neighborhood for a wonderful long weekend.

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