Thursday, July 22, 2010

Its been quiet around here lately...

the kids drove up with John to bring our boy back home

the view from the ranch, the Tetons to look at in the distance

some quotes from Dr. Lowell Bennion. Founder of the Ranch and community activist, philanthropist and all around Christian man.

Mason with a fellow camper and owner of the ranch, Dick Jacobsen

Mason left on June 28, and came back July 17. He began with a week on the campus at BYU, enjoying Especially For Youth, a program where kids from all over the world (a couple in his group flew all the way from England) come to take classes, have fun, go to dances and be uplifted in keeping the standards of our church.

After a week of BYU Mason was driven, by his dad, up to Sky Mountain Ranch near Victor Idaho. For two weeks solid Mason worked the ranch and enjoyed the chance to learn leadership skills and become more service oriented. He applied to attend, and was selected by the owners/operators Dick and Sue Jacobsen. The ranch was begun by Lowell Bennion many years ago (Mr. Bennion is well known in the Salt Lake Valley for his tireless comittment to community service and the building of community centered youth-from teenagers to college co-eds.)

Mason had a great time.

Contrary to his predictions, we got along o.k. without him. Though things were a little quiet, we were willing to suffer the silence in order to build this boy into a good man.

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