Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Dreaded Tri

Wow! stop action photography makes it look like I am actually running when in real life I was crawling to the finish line, but I did finish and that is happy~

This photo makes it look like I know how to dismount the bike without my shoes, when actually I had to clip out of the pedals with my shoes undone but still on my feet, making me actually slower in transition instead of faster; but I like the deception so I'm posting the pic!

5 years without an open water swim puts one at a great disadvantage.
Finishing slower than I used to but Faster than I thought I would was both humility and elation.
Having John and his mom there to cheer me on and be support crew made it manageable.
Having family and friends care for our kids back home made it possible.
I wish it was the beginning of my season, instead of the end.
Hoping for another "tri" after some consistent training.
I'm glad the dreaded Tri is behind me.


  1. You did it! You are amazing - give yourself some more credit!

  2. Way to go Katie! Good for you! You are awesome!
