Monday, August 16, 2010

Grandpa Has Gone Home

Grandpa give me an unexpected smooch-Summer 2007

Last Week I made arrangements to go visit Grandpa Hadfield. He had taken to his bed. In his nearly 94 years of living he had decided it was time to rest. Just before I left our house I got a call from my mom, Grandpa had already gone, left before I could kiss him goodbye.

Grandpa worked until he was 89 years old. Over a year ago he started forgetting things-the faces he knew were few any more. His witts about him but his memory lost, he made the most of every day-up and dressed, watching out the window. Enjoying the company of visitors and the companionship of his poodles and his wife, his lovely Sarah.

Last May Sarah, my Grandma, left us. We were surprised she'd gone before Grandpa. And Grandpa was surprised too. He asked for her every day. Most times he needed reminding that she was not going to be near him again.

My grandparents didn't always get along. Both of them wonderful. Both very faithful to each other and the gospel they believed in. But Grandma liked to fuss-and Grandpa had rough edges. Through time though they were always together they were miles apart.

But in the end of their days, despite Grandma's disaproval at times, all Grandpa wanted was to be near her. And last week, he got his wish. Down in his bed for just a few days, he left us to find Sarah and go to her side forever.

My Grandpa's legacy is pretty impressive, and my heart is very tender with love for him. In my teenage years, his hugs were shear security. His jokes and sayings were reliable. His faith unshakable. Always wanting to impress and please the woman he devoted himself to-Grandpa worked hard to provide a lovely life for his beloved Sarah. He shared his success with others. He never sought fanfare or attention. He never looked to his accomplishments to speak to who he was. You knew his character because he never tried to be anything but himself. I love him so so much. His example of hard work, honest living, integrity, devotion to family and his genuine consideration of others are the things I keep for myself and the things about him I will tell my children forever more. His love for God and his committment to the cause of Christ through every-day good living is the legacy his children and grandchildren have to be grateful for and to emulate.

The Grandpa who knew me, who sang to me and hugged me with a sincere interest in my welfare was taken from us some time ago as the clouds of old age blew in. In the passing of his soul from this life into the next, I am saddened but I also rejoice. His memories are with him again! His reunion with Grandma, his parents and family is a happy one I am sure! And we are happy for him, that he is released from the body that kept him from the happy life he was used to.

I miss you Grandpa Hadfield. I have for a while now. But I feel so much comfort in knowing you get to be yourself again. I love you and I thank you-for raising my dad to be the great father and teacher he is. I thank you for your example, for being patient and kind and accepting of me and of all your grandkids. I'm glad for the stories and experiences you've shared with me. I'm so tenderly grateful for the advice you've given me-especially when I was afraid to take my family to live in a land I did not know. You had done that before me, and you and Grandma could help me see that I could build a strong family anywhere in the world. I love you and I promise that I'll tell my kids about the bob cat, and the mine and the damn in Australia. And I'll tell them you worked in the temple. And I"ll tell them how you loved Grandma. 'You're a gentleman and a scholar', and I will forever love you.


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Katie. I love you.

  2. Beautifully written
    Thanks for sharing this,
