Friday, August 27, 2010

The Weekend

some of the garden's harvest, picked in minutes and enjoyed over time

In Between Soccer games (2), Play Practices (1), andFootball Games (1) we will spend some time in our garden, picking tomatoes and pulling beets. We need to plant fall beans and harvest zucchini (again!). It has been so good to grow food for our family again.

Now, if there were only more minutes in the day to use the things we grow. I don't yet posess the know how to whip up something with the bunch of peppers that are falling off our pepper plants. How do we preserve the extra stuff we grow? And how to use the things we have in the fridge with the things we have in the garden outside?

This is always the challenge of having a garden. But it is a good challenge to have. Farmer John strolls out to the garden almost every night after work (when he's not on the road...). The kids go through and search for strawberries, and Brynley is a master zucchini break maker thanks to how our garden grows.

How will you spend your weekend? I wish you an hour or two in the dirt. As much as I enjoy football and soccer, the hours in our yard will be the best hours of this weekend for me.


  1. Hmm, sounds like we need to work in some canning/dehydrating/freezing into our "work nights"...

  2. I think you can grate the extra zucchini and freeze it for winter zucchini bread... yum.

  3. Green pepper when washed and chopped will freeze. Put in small bags and when you need an amount of green pepper for any recipes just use your frozen. It works well in sauces and omelets, not as good in fresh salads as unfrozen. But it is a time saver in the winter and money saver as well! How much are green peppers in the market today? You probably have a winters worth of green pepper to enjoy.
