Wednesday, December 08, 2010

How Did He Make Our Eyes?

Lucy looks for clarity concerning her greatest quandary in life; How was the eye created?
Thanks to Logan at Sprout Photo for a clear view of Lucy's beautiful eyes

Lucy is fascinated with the creation of man. She asks about different facets of it all day long. 'How did Jesus make us mommy?' in various forms and with varied specifics is her constant question.

Lucy is most interested in the creation of the eye.

She wonders out loud how it might have been made. Why they are different colors on different people. Why they are circles instead of squares. Why they are two instead of one.

Yesterday she thought she had it figured out.

'I think He used some jello mommy. That might be how he made them. Jello is lots of colors. Jello is soft but stays in a shape. Jello is kind of gooey...' and on and on and on

After much verbal thought Lucy asked one more time; "is that how Jesus made our eyes?"

I told her honestly "I don't know."

and then I said, also honestly

'maybe some day we will get to ask Him'.

Lucy resolutely and assuredly replied

"Oh I will Mommy, I will!"


  1. perfectly charming. thanks for sharing.

  2. What a sweet memory; I'm so glad you recorded it and I'm sure you will be for years to come. It is interesting because just tonight, my Max (2 1/2) said in his prayer: "Thank you for my eye. Thank you for my other eye." He, too, has been contemplating his body.

    I'm telling you, she resembles you. Obviously not from your flesh but she was yours from the beginning and has taken on the look of the other Grahams.

  3. Alex and I have a long list of the things he wants Heavenly Father and Jesus to teach him when he meets them and gets to go to "Their School". Right now he is confident of meeting Them too.

  4. And their confidence helps strengthen mine. :)
