Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Swimming in Busy

Elder Johnson no longer wears shark teeth as his regular attire. He now wears white shirts and ties, and he is going to be an awesome missionary

some of us with some of the Johnsons, Summer '08

We are swimming in the busy things of this season this week. My to-do list is long, and a little overwhelming.

But it is worth it.

Because the reason it is a long list and we are behind a little? We went to Boise. For the Weekend. To See the Johnsons. To be with our friends there. To Celebrate Nate's choice to go on a mission.

So I will take the long list and the feeling that I am behind.

Because we made time for friends who are like our family. And that is what this season is abou, anyway.


  1. the smile in the photo says it all... sounds like you were sporting the same this trip (and as you remember it) so fun to be close enough for weekend visits!

  2. Hey Katie- It was fun to see you for a few moments. I miss having you just around the corner and running into you at school. I thought of you today. My cousin had a little girl with disabilities who passed away over Thanksgiving. I was reading her blog and came across this postof hers which just spoke to me. I thought you might appreciate it too! http://bcharmer.blogspot.com/2010/10/hold-gently.html Love you Katie!!!
