Thursday, February 03, 2011

Faces to the Sun

The other day Lucy had a play date. She had a fever, but her best friend, V, hadn't been over in quite a long time. V's mom and I conferenced, she decided she'd take the risk so the girls could get together.

The sun has been so bright these last few days, yet the temperatures outside are frigid. Reminds me of our Chicago days; when winter looks bright from inside your apartment and feels cold to the bone deadly from the sidewalk....

Still, the sun is such a blessing, and I couldn't bear to see the girls spend the morning in the basement. I hauled up the toy kitchen and parked it in front of the back yard window. The girls rolled the grocery cart underfoot while I wiped the real kitchen down with clorox and soft scrub.

After a while V showed Lucy how she could draw on the window, by just 'blowing smoke' onto the glass. The girls fogged and drew, fogged and drew and giggle and giggled and giggled. Their faces to the sunny back yard-it made me smile to see them 'making happy' together.

These winter days are dreary for me. Lucy's fever is just one of many of our chidrens' ailments this year; strep, flu, walking pneumonia and the viral fever that lasts 5 days (no name for that one) have kept me in and feeling blue. It was so nice to see these children turn toward light to make themselves merry.

I thought about turning toward the light in order to feel more happy. I went in my room while the kids giggled and drew and knelt down on the ground.

I turned toward the Light myself, and the rest of my day was made happier.

1 comment:

  1. I realize I'm a complete stranger to you, but I sure love your posts.

