Monday, March 28, 2011

Birthday Season Part IV

my favorite find for the party were the paper cupcake holders in pink and green petal. They dressed up our plain white cups just perfectly

fairy wings, tutus and wands were waiting for each special guest

pink, green and GLiTTER were the order of the day

The Happy Birthday banner stayed draped over the threshold for several days after our celebration

cousin Ruby paints her fairy flower pot

little fairies search the garden for treasures to welcome SPRING!

Lucy enjoys friends and fun at her 5th birthday celebration

Our latest installment of Birthday Season! This time, Lucy is lovely as a garden fairy! Lucy turned 5 the day after Madi, though her party was a week before. As this was our 'last little girl' and as she is the girl-i-est girl we have in the bunch, we threw her a frilly, pink, fairy party. Garden fairy to be exact.

The decor included flowers, frills, and lots of glitter. Green gauzy fabric over a bright white table cloth, dozens of fresh flowers and potted bright flowers outside on the porch. Pink, orange and bright green paper flowers hung from the kitchen ceiling. glitter went everywhere; on the table, in the girls' hair and on their cheeks, and all through out the drizzly garden (fairy dust, to start the flowers growing!).

Each party guest was greeted with wings, a wand and a fairy garden skirt. We played 'pass the parcel' simplified for little ones, and had a garden scavenger hunt where treasures for fairies were found all over outside. Flower pots were painted, and zinnias planted, to invite those garden fairies to anticipate the coming of spring.

The chocolate cake was decorated by Lucy; with malted milk balls that took the shape of the number '5'.

Brynley and John were extra helpful before and during the party, as well as two sisters who came and enjoyed with us the fun of a little girls' party.

This was a fun party to plan and think about, because I don't know how many more years of fairy loving are left in the youth of my little girl. I really tried to enjoy the planning of the party in every way, and made it the center of the weekend so that decorating the house and having things just the way I wanted them didn't cause the family too much stress. Everyone cooperated with me and let me enjoy this time for Lucy. It really was her party, but I got to enjoy it almost as much as she!

And now birthday season takes a breather and allows us to enjoy the Easter season. Our next big day is the 2nd of May, when our oldest turns 16. I don't know if his celebrations will include a party, but whatever they are we will work hard to make it a special day!

1 comment:

  1. So darling Katie!!! I love the table decor, the fairy wings, and especially the cute little fairies, who look like they're having the time of their lives!
