Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 Frowns and a Smile

The front yard tulips are really taking a beating this year with all our crazy weather

Frown: We went to bed last night to the sound of pouring rain. This morning the tulips were weighed down with snow, only to have it melt and then have hail pelt down instead. This year's April weather has been particularly lion-ish, and I, like a frightened little sheep, want to go and hide.

Frown: Because of the statement above, I am taking some of the family to a climate that is usually much warmer this time of year. Alas, due to upcoming travel obligations for my better half, John will not be joining us. So I will go on vacation playing the part of a single mother. Is that a vacation at all? I pray for warm weather and a clean accessible swimming pool as sun and splash are exactly what we need to brighten sheepish souls.

Frown: I was informed, suddenly, last week that the 'personal trainer' whose services have helped me recover from various sports injuries, has left his position at John's office gym. I am well aware (WELL aware) that it has always been a 'perk' or a 'privilege' to have a trainer for my use through John's employer at VERY minimal cost (we are talking all you can use training for $10 per month. Affordable to say the least). And I have taken advantage of that perk with good result. His telling me he was leaving (that day!) was like a break up of some kind. It hurt a little. I didn't know what I'd done wrong. I wasn't sure where to go next. I'm still figuring it out.

Smile: John wrote me this note:

And since there is no trainer, there is about 23% more of me to love, his note was something to really smile about :)

1 comment:

  1. it's good to know i'm not the only one that's so over this weather. going to st george last month just made it more painful to come back and have to put on socks after wearing flip flops. at least we're a bit closer to warm weather. i am determined to get my patio set up before easter. that will mean that warm temps are here to stay, right?!
