Our Russian Neighbor wanted to learn how to make Lemon curd. We worked together, stirring and sifting, and talking about being a mother and raising good children. It was a lovely hour spent with a lovely person (plus, Lucy was darling and very helpful, squeezing lemon juice and stirring egg yolks).
This treat has been a family favorite and a neighborhood gift for several years now. Usually John takes it as his Christmas chore, preparing small jars and sending them in the arms of our children to our close neighbors and friends. It was good for me to remember that I can craft this delicacy well enough, its tart but sweet goodness dripping off the back of my spatula.
I love being in my kitchen with my children, my husband and my friends. Its not just that I like food, its that when we exchange conversation as we work together a closeness forms that is unique and true. Friends who have been in your kitchen are friends who know your mess. They see you as you are, and out of your sticky fingers comes something good and lasting to share. 'Refrigerator rights' we call it; the right for a friend to walk in and help themselves. It only happens after you've let others into your kitchen.
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