Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Leaving Two Babies in Provo...

Mason is staying on the campus at BYU to attend Rugby camp this week.

Our newest nephew was born a couple of weeks ago in beautiful Provo Utah. We went down last weekend to meet him; absolutely perfect in every single way.

On Monday we found ourselves in Provo, dropping Mason at BYU so he could go to rugby camp.

Mason is my first baby. Our new nephew is the first baby in his family as well.

We made a little stop to see Lincoln Allen (awesome name, right?) after pushing Mason out of the car in front of Cougar Stadium. We held Lincoln and oohed and awed.

It made me think all the way home.

I don't know how to explain my thoughts, just something about me watching my first born grow up and seeing someone I love welcome their first born into the world. I push my boy out of the nest; encourage him to stay in the dorms away from home to help him grow. Lincoln's mom does just the opposite; she holds him close and keeps him near because she knows that is what she needs to do to help him grow too.

So many different parts of mothering. I am more comfortable with the first part; the part where we hold them and watch over their actions. The part where we train them and hover a bit.

This part? I'm not so sure about how I will get through it. This part includes sending them away, letting them try for themselves all the things I've shown and taught them, watching them stumble and pull themselves back up, hoping they'll try to keep themselves close-not just to you-but to the Heavenly Father you've been trying to point them toward since they were tiny and small.

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