Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime? Part 2

my worst triathlon ever. I mean EVER. But I did it, I guess that is something to smile about...

summer has been 'my season' to train for races and enjoy the motivation to improve my fitness. This summer has been a huge challenge-I thought it would be my best season ever, but it has started out as my worst.

In the spring I took a 6 week triathlon training camp offered at our local rec center. It was a challenge to get out of bed with time enough to be dressed and on a spin bike by 5 a.m.-the weather was a challenge for both run and swim training. But over all the experience was great.

Then I got sick. Real sick. And the camp ended with a week of recovery time before the camp's race day.

I spent the week coughing, blowing my nose until my sinuses bled and generally feeling like a zombie. Add to this the stress of getting through the last two weeks of school. The training took a way back seat.

I raced so poorly that day. Hadn't even been on my bike outside when I transitioned from the pool to the road. My run was slow, and I was embarrassed that I-who had stayed with the top 1/3rd of the camp during the training fell into nearly the last place on race day.


I'm supposed to enter 2 more triathlons this season. Needless to say I haven't. I'm hoping I'll be ready for at least one of them, but for now I'm just going to try and stay healthy, work on improving my swim and bike skills, and get ready for a half marathon I promised I'd finish with my neighbor. When I've accomplished that task we'll see if this summer will include any more swim/bike/run races or if I've retired for the season.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get back to full force soon. I know how you feel. I had surgery on my sinus' and then I caught MRSA from the surgery. I have yet to start running again and it is driving me crazy, not to mention the weight gain.
