Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The two year itch...

I had been feeling really antsy about home projects that I see EVERYWHERE I turn. Everything from the big stuff (I am DYING to paint my cupboards, want to do it before winter hits) to smaller ones (organizing the sock drawer, no big deal).

It has been really eating away at me.
I wasn't sure why. Well, accept for the part that I literally have piles in every space of my house.

And then I kind of realized. We've lived at the Spruces for 2 years now. 2 years is when we always move.

Only, we are not moving....

So it is my natural life rhythm to purge, organize and beautify every two years. I've tackled the message center and the family library. Now its on to my studio. Check out the disaster zone that I am trying to tackle....

piles that have been moved from the previously organized spaces down to the basement, for me to find them a proper home or give/throw away

endless scrapbook supplies which I long to use, but have no idea how they are being stored. Glue is in with markers, stamps with is so random that I can't start a project cause I can't find the right supplies...

my children use my crafting space much more often than I do. And they don't clean up after they use it. So bits and pieces of summer sewing projects and paper creations are littered through out the tiny room...

Molly and lucy's art table. Can you even see the table top?

The goal is to have this become a haven for me and my own projects (which of course are projects which bless my family ;) before the week is over.

wish me luck.
And pray a 'for sale' sign does not end up in our yard if for no other reason than to motivate us to get the home projects completed so we can actually enjoy the home!

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