Monday, September 26, 2011

My Favorite Blogs for Monday...

When I sit down at the computer there are a few places I 'go' before I do my own tasks. I thought it would be fun to just share the places I like to visit on the web; and I chose them simply by how often I go there vs. how often I go to other blogs or sites.

I don't have tons of time in front of this screen, so I don't do a ton of surfing-mostly I stick to those places that I know will uplift or inform, invite me to be better or let me laugh, or those places that connect me to people I love. I tried google reader once, but like most tech-savvy things I let John set it up for me and I didn't get notified in my own email inbox and I didn't learn how to add or take away from my 'follower' status so I dropped it and never pay attention to it. Instead I punch in the url to each of these sites daily and check and see if there's anything new that I really want to read about.

I always check John's blog. He is sporadic about posting-and I began to be sporadic about checking-but in recent weeks and months I go there every day. Especially right now, as he is SO busy in other aspects of his life, I like to see what he is thinking about when he is not thinking about selling glasses on the internet (go here, to see what John's job day is all about!)

I check on Tricia nearly every day as well. She is a mentor and a friend, someone I truly admire and learn from. Her philosophies on education, spirituality, home decorating (she actually works hard at decorating her home...) and homesteading are so dead on with me. She is doing her life purposefully and i learn from her with every reading. Thanks for being my friend Tricia!

I also check on this gal frequently. Her blog is so artful and again, so purposeful. I've actually enjoyed meeting this wonderful girl in person (my sister is her friend!). Carin is a photographer and mother, a thinker and a 'beautifier' of the world we live in. I appreciate, when I read from her, her visual and spiritual perspective. I have often taken John's camera and just tried to photograph everyday things to make them beautiful like Carin can. I'd love to be more skilled (though Carin is not skilled, she is artfully talented).

I also check on Sharon a lot. Because Sharon makes me happy. She is smart and articulate and also not too sappy-she accomplishes much and her intelligence about everything is so completely real. Sharon is a good friend from Texas days, and when I read her words I wish I could pop over to her house and gab with her in her kitchen. Her phone calls to me are bright spots in my life and her blog posts are reminders of the wonder that she is.

And recently I began visiting this site. I like that Shawni is a mom of about my 'stage' in life. Teenagers and youngsters, and she is successful in her mothering and her other pursuits. I have also posted several times about 'family propaganda' and Shawni has the same philosophy as I do when I comes to this idea. Dead on. We do it different ways, but we are making the same effort; and I like that. A lot. I will admit that I get that 'envy' sometimes that she has it all together and I don't-but mostly I appreciate learning and listening to her thoughts and philosophies and seeing if they jive with me.

And finally, my younger sister (whose blog I used to visit every day until she stopped posting; oh, all my sisters stopped posting it seems!) connected my to Stephanie a very long time ago. It was when I didn't know people went 'public' with blogs. I had been keeping mine up for family to see, but Jess showed me that others actually advertised on their blogs and wrote every day and that there was an entire culture practically around blog reading, blog checking and blog creating. Who knew? Steph, as you know I'm sure, was in a plane crash some years ago, and now she is like the most popular blog on the internet. But I like to think I was with her from the beginning-and since I've had the pleasure of meeting her and working with her (pre and post accident) I enjoy reading what she has to say....and I wish her success because she has shared some very good vibes with me.

have you visited these or other blogs? I like others as well, but these are most frequented, so these are what I share on this Monday. Check them out and tell me what you think! Happy reading!


  1. Well, you made me cry again. I feel very much like a forget-me-not in the company of roses here.

    On a practical note: there should be a "top posts" grid icon for your toolbar on the Mac. You can choose (edit ) to show 6, 12, or 24 top sites you visit displayed in a grid. The computer will track sites automatically or you can pin as many of the ones you want so they always show. I have it on medium, so my top 12 show up. It even puts a star on it when there is an update. You are on mine, so I never have to type in the address. Check it out. It is very user friendly!

  2. We share a few similar blog interests...I love 71 toes and NieNie Dialogues! Thank you for your kind words.

  3. feeling's mutual, Katie! thanks for your sweet words. Love you!!
