We wore shorts and sandals all weekend long. Monday it was still blazing hot. The tomatoes have been growing so beautifully in the late season heat, and I've felt it was justice for the cold June we had so long ago at the start of summer.
But right now there is snow falling. And sticking to the ground. And my tomatoes.
It is kind of the last straw in a difficult realization that my entire life is a day late and a dollar short.
I had hoped to paint the kitchen and den before the grey of winter set in. I kept telling myself last year in the cave of our home that this year it would all be different.
Its too late. The grey is here. And the kitchen looks the same.
I made dinner this week and sat down to eat it with two other members of my family. The pattern I've set my entire career as a mother to sit at mealtimes together has completely fallen apart.
I have looked at the garden with its dire need for attention and tried to see how I would fit in the hours it would take to prune and pull and prepare it for winter.
Now winter is here, so early. And the roses are still blooming in the back. They started late and now they are caught in the white blanket of cold. Unprepared and wishing for more time in the sun.
Like me.
don't be too hard on yourself, dear. you do so much for so many and you're trying so hard! ((hugs))
cheer up, grasshopper. send the kids out to clean out the garden when the snow melts (don't you think it will?) you can paint before the grey descends for the season! I know, easy for me to say. : )
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