Monday, November 07, 2011

Lucy's excitement for snow...

she watched the snow fall for at least 15 minutes, complete contentment written all over her face.

Lucy: "Mom, did Santa make the snow?"
Mom: "Lucy, you know who made snow...think about it....."
Lucy: "Jesus?"
Mom: "That's right Lu"
Lucy:"He made it so FUN!"

Our winter angel. Born in Asian summer.
Enjoying the welcome of snow to the Spruces.

Its nice to be blogging again.

I'm trying to run my life instead of letting it run me over...
taking back time to write and think is a very good first step


  1. Gorgeous photo... what a darling girl. And this is why I read your blog: the exchange about snow where you let her figure out where snow comes from rather than tell her. (Great example!) Last night I was reading a parenting book (no really, it's a good one) and the author talked about taking the time to do those things for yourself so you will then be able to do for others. I am glad blogging is one of those things for you. : )

  2. This article put all my volunteering in perspective. It is so hard to balance.
