Sunday, January 21, 2007

My Favorite Mess

So, It is now mid-January and I've been away from my blog for some time. I'm pretty sure no one actually reads this any more, especially now that Lucy is home and instead of being some novelty, world traveling mom of 6 i'm just now a crazy, in-over-my-head mom of 6 trying to figure out how to be all my kids need me to be and still keep the house from crashing know what I mean I'm sure.

Anyway, a while ago I took down all the Christmas decorations, but I saved my favorite mess for last. Every year John and I send out over 200 Christmas cards. It is the cursed blessing of several moves and wonderful friends. We didn't keep official track this year, but we are pretty sure we sent cards to at least half of our 50 states, along with cards to Canada, China, Sweden, England and costa Rica. I'm sure I've missed a couple of other spots, but you get the picture. It is a big project and kinda pricey, but it is one of our favorite holiday traditions to remember the rich and wonderful life we enjoy thanks to all of you, our friends.

The total upside to sending out tons of cards, is getting cards in return. We string them all over the house, use them as garland and decor. We love to read how our friends are doing, see how the kids have grown and remember lovely times with wonderful people. By the end of the holiday seasons we have upwards of 200 cards strewn all over the house, and it is a little bit of a mess to find them all and do the responsible thing in recycling...but it is my favorite mess of the year. I love the chance to remember the blessing of friendship. The reminder of a day at the beach with Gabe and Judson, or a picnic on the deck with the Mancini's , reading each card is a wonderful walk through the richness of the life I've had thus far.

I know when I kick the bucket I won't have any of the "stuff" I deal with now. Houses, clothes, cars, even a body fit enough to race triathlon-it'll all go the way of all the earth. But I believe in my heart of hearts that these friendships, names and faces on holiday cards, they will remain. Those lovely and wonderful relationships will continue-and hopefully we'll actually see those we love more often and won't have to resort to the trouble and mess of holiday cards to catch up on the latest goings on.

For now, I'll write the cards and recycle the ones we get each holiday. What a true gift of the season to remember the lives of those we love and enjoy a memory or two as we open, display and recycle my favorite mess.
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1 comment:

  1. Katie, I was in the middle of reading your new blog when I got email alerting me to your comment on my blog! How ironic! I published that comment, but if you email me your contact info, I WON'T publish it, but will write you. That's the only way I can think of to get your info! ;-)

