Sunday, January 21, 2007

In hope and faith...

Unfortunately we've had a turn of bad news in our journey to adopt molly. It seems her birth father has been disagreeable in signing the adoption papers, and other legal means will have to be used to make Molly officially a Graham come this June. It was an upsetting turn of events for us, we had so hoped for a smooth road. But, I guess I should have anticipated a glich somewhere, and here it is. Seems as though we do have to face opposition when the forces of good go to work in our lives. We invite you to add your faith to ours as we hope for this next step in the process to go smoothly and without opposition, that Molly Elizabeth can indeed become a Graham. We should hear in the next 30 days if smooth sailing has been our fate, and then at that time we hope to anticipate no further delay in a June finalization. If not, the legal system will do it's thing and as long as the birthfather's rights are removed before June we can still finalize then-otherwise we wait with baited breath until it all settles and finalize when it does. Not before June, but possibly after if steps are taken against the adoption. Oh how we hope for June.

It is a funny thing with Molly. She came to us by surprise, with little warning and no real hope of permanance. AFter a time we felt in our hearts she had such a place with us, but knew it was not in our hands and there was nothing in our power to make her ours but prayer and love. As we wanted her, we loved her as our own and have even felt willing to raise her without her carrying our name, making her part of our family in every way but that. The gift of her adoption was not saught after, only secretly hoped for, and it was such a timely blessing and comfort when Molly's birthmom so aptly chose adoption for Molly. I didn't anticipate a fight of any kind-even knowing the birthfather was a bit obstanate to say the least. I guess it is apporpriate that we'd need to add faith and work to this process. After all, every child worth loving is a child worth fighting for. And every child is worth loving.

So, we'll fight if we have to. I pray we don't. I want our faith and the legal system to be enough. But, if it is not, we'll do all we have to and more to give Molly our name and make her forever a Graham. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Hey KT - thanks for reminding me to check out this site, I look at the other blog almost daily to see if anything new has been posted.

    I love your kids!

    Love Aunt Jessa
