Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I’m sending this entry like weeks after Valentines, but that is how my life is currently playing out, so I think it’s better late than never. John was traveling for work this year during the entire week of Valentine’s. He was amazing to remember me, with all he has going on for work. He had purchased a very cool down vest for me : a total surprise which I appreciated very much. Unfortunately I have a thing about looking like the Michelan tire man, so the vest had to be traded in for something a little more, shall we say, slimming. Still, it was an awesome chocolate brown color and John had picked it because he observed that I often wear my green vest and thought I’d like another color option (it was amazingly thoughtful). Add that gift to the fact that he also sent flowers (John NEVER sends flowers), and I think it is safe to say that John topped all previous Valentine’s remembrances of previous years. I? Well, lets say I had a poor showing this year. The best I could come up with (mind you I was going for something thoughtful, not too cheesy, that would fit in his suitcase and send just the right message of “I love you desperately” and “I’m not a sap”). I came up with thoughtful hand made note cards, one for each day of his business trip, and a small package (a book, of course) that could be opened on the big day itself. I felt it was a cheeseball gift, and I know my feeling was dead on, but John graciously thanked me and said he felt remembered etc. For a couple that is kind of “anti” when it comes to days when one is required to show one’s love for another, I think we truly did attempt to use the opportunity to let each other know that we are madly crazy in love now, as always…

What do you all do for your kids on Valentines’? I have flip flopped over the years about my “remembrance” of the day in their behalf. When I had fewer and they were all so small I remember gifts, like red clothing or a bucket full of activities etc., but those days are so gone. For the last two years I’ve given the kids a sugar cookie from the local bakery (best sugar cookie on the planet, just the right amount of frosting, just the right texture in the cookie. Never liked sugar cookies before, but Great Harvest on Holladay Blvd. has made me a believer). John, of course, funds the cookie purchases, so he is as much the giver as I. We write a note to the kids and hope they know we love ‘em in a million other ways than sugar and calories eaten for Breakfast on a winter’s day in February (yes, I let them eat their cookie for breakfast on Valentine’s. This is huge because I am a mom who doesn’t allow her children to consume “sugar cereal” unless it is Saturday morning…). They seem to be happy with this tradition-we’ll see if it sticks! Happy Valentines day…

1 comment:

  1. I too am a nonbeliever in sugar cereals. However, I am a big believer in dessert for breakfast. I grew up in a big family. For dinner, if we had dessert, each person got one serving. If you were up first the next mornign you got the last piece of cake, pie, torte, or cookie or whatever. I guess those two philosophies are opposed to each other. But oh well.
