Friday, March 02, 2007

A happy purchase

So, I’ve actually been out of the house this week. This is pretty huge for me, as there truly are several weeks that pass when I leave only to take my children where they need to be (dance, pre school, art class; you get it). Errands right now are this rare and forboding experience. I plan them meticulously-usually they happen every other Wednesday morning. I make a list for days of the places I have to go, then add places I will have to go in the near future, then places I kind of need to get to and last of all places I’d love to see or go in someday. All the paraphanelia necessary for the errands to be completed is carefully compiled in a corner of my room (items needing to be returned, packages needing to be mailed and the like), then double checked and moved to the back of the car where they wait for their appointed day. I pack the front passenger’s seat of the car with all items a mother needs when she will be away from home with 3 small children for longer than 15 minutes; diapers, a cel phone, cash, more diapers, fruit snacks and baby wipes. I carefully set out clothing for the day’s errands so we can leave the house with enough time to actually get one or two of the errands done before there is a melt down, a feeding due, or the big kids’ return from their full day of elementary school (do you know how long it takes to buy a gallon of milk with 3 small children riding in the cart? A long time).

Well, this week I ventured to the local consignment store to cash in on some items I sold there. With said cash I found this awesome pale, which now acts as a cool conversation piece and a fantastic diaper holder kept out on the front porch (gone are the days when the mail man, neighbors, my mother, and anyone else gracing my doorstep are greeted with a pile of dirty diapers-sizes 2 and 4 collectively-waiting to be hauled around the house to the garbage can!). I am very pleased with my purchase. I find the color, functionality and style of the pale to be fantastic and I am absolutely thrilled we made it in and out of the consignment store without any additional purchases made due to my kids breaking something. Oh, and a couple of other errands got done that day too-the "had to's". It was a productive week, I'd say, for an errand phobic mom like me!

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