Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Happy Report

I've posted this pic of our Molly as it was taken about 2 weeks after she came to live with us in December 2004. 8 lbs. even at 4 months old, she was a visitor in our home for an indefinite length of time. As we cared for her and loved her immediately, our thougths for many months turned to how we could best help her be strong and healthy as she was to at some point leave our home and be but a wonderful and special guest who had touched our lives briefly. As time wore on, it became almost painful at times that we loved her so much and felt her so a part of our family and yet we saw no way to appropriately ask that she remain with us and become one of us forever. Two years to the month after her surprise arrival into our lives, we received the greatest gift given by one to another-Molly's mom invited us to adopt her! How excited we were, how humble and happy we felt as we accepted this invitation and proceeded with adoption!

Well, as I've mentioned before, some snags were sure to follow, and we've had to wonder and worry again for Molly's future as a Graham. But now, we are happy to report that after concerns over Molly's adoption proceeding smoothly, we've received word that all outstanding worries over her birthdad are resolved, and we can happily await a court date to officially and for always make her a part of our family. As we are so giddy with relief and joy we wish to again express love and thanks to Molly's birth mom, and we annouce here that Molly will be named after her birthmom (Molly Elizabeth) in her honor and to show our affection and appreciation for her selfless act. We also wish to thank those at LDS Family services (Ashley, you are a gem) who have helped us down this long road. We appreciate the legal team that works with family services, as they have had to step forward and be a part of this process more than probably happens in other adoption cases. Greg Hoole, a lawyer here in Salt Lake, has also generously offered to help us with finalizaiton proceedings pro bono, a kind gesture toward our family.

We thank all of you, friends and family, who have supported and hoped along with us these past couple of months that Molly's story would have this very "happily ever after". We can't wait to share pictures of her court day, when Molly will officially become a Graham!


  1. That is the best news. We love Molly so much & can't wait for this to go through. This is a very happy report. Love Ty & Kt

  2. Congratulations!! I am very excited for you. You are a wonderful mother and I knew that they Lord would bless you and Molly.

  3. This is fantastic! You guys, along with Bill & Gayle, are such an inspiration to me. When the Second Coming happens, I hope to be standing close to your family.
    I just wish I was one year further along with my legal education, and licensed, so that I could've possible helped out. Please keep me in the loop.
