Sunday, April 29, 2007

Gotcha Miss Molly!

Just wanted to post a pic of our "Gotcha Day" with Molly. You know there is a phrase in the bible, the last shall be first and the first shall be last (In Isaiah). I think of this phrase every time I see Molly and Lucy together. It amazes me that the daughter we started to find (Lucy) came after the daughter we didn't expect (Molly) and yet our "surprise" daughter became an official Graham many months after her younger sister. God works in such interesting ways; and through it all He pours out upon us love and guidance so we know He is truly in charge and mindful of every action. We are thrilled beyond measure to have all our Grahams be officially Grahams. Now, here is hoping the last is really LAST, and our chaos will continue without the addition of any other little Grahams to add to the mix. Then again, this journey has been so amazing, so personally challenging and so intensely full of tutoring, if there are more to come I wouldn't want to miss those journies and all they would bring in richness and joy.

I'm not asking for more, mind you. As you can see, our hands are full...
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