Sunday, April 29, 2007

Catching up

So, I feel like it has been years since I blogged-come to find out it has only been months, but a lot can happen around here in just a few months time. Since my last posts We've had good times. These photos capture only some of what has happened around this happy house.
Pictures 1&2. Lucy turned 1 year on March 16, 2007. These photos were taken on that day in her honor. we celebrated a couple of days later with chocolate cake and all the grandparents and cousins, we are so happy for this lovely and darling daughter to be part of our lives. Lucy at this writing is standing but not yet walking. She cruises along furniture and finds it fun to stand up, clap her hands and balance a while, then sit back down and look for someone to tell her she is awesome! Her laugh is out of this world, her sould as bright as sunshine and her place in our family forever a miracle.

Picture 3. Madi had a great birthday celebration this year with a baking party for several friends. They made swedish cinnamon rolls, mini birthday cakes, and lemon poppy seed bread to boot. Madi was highly creative in her wishes for the party and very particular in it's menu (we have to have blue sprinkles there to decorate our cakes!). She is a smart, fun and beautiful 7 year old with a great sense of humor and a love for life-bon apetite!

Picture 4. We went to Disneyland! We finally bit the bullet and drove the kids down to California for a beach vacation and a visit to see the mouse. It was a great vacation. Much needed and very fun indeed. For a girl who has avoided Disneyland like the plague (not into commercializing my children and not into long lines) I came home with my very own Mickey mouse t-shirt (it's a pathetic hypocrisy really, but I was sucked in!). My brother Tyler and his wife Katie just celebrated the arrival of their first baby, and we got to enjoy them all while we were in California. Tyler even accompanied us through the world of Disney magic and his time with our kids was the difference between a great vacation and an utterly totally awesome vacation. More pics will follow in later posts, you've just got to see my kids on the beach with their new cousin Will and their terrific Aunts Katie and Jess.

So that is some small synopsis of our recent weeks. Check back soon for more crazy happenings from the Grahams, including pictures of our "Gotcha Day" with Miss molly Elizabeth Eowyn Graham, and a photo of our family's newest edition, Cooper the cocker spaniel (yes, I am serious and it is crazy that we now own a dog)
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1 comment:

  1. What You got a dog When? Can't wait to see this little guy!
